Jim Willmon is a 61 year-old, professional engineer who resides in Calgary and has owned in Sunbreaker Cove since 2009. Jim has been fully retired since March 2014 and generally gets out to Sunbreaker Cove on a weekly basis throughout the year. He is married with three adult children.
Jim worked for GLJ Petroleum Consultants for 32 years, where he was a vice-president, director and corporate secretary of the private company. GLJ is a relatively large independent Canadian petroleum consulting firm that provides detailed reservoir and economic analyses, project and corporate evaluations, fair market value appraisals, merger and acquisition advice and expert witness testimony. He volunteered with the Society of Petroleum Engineers, a non-profit organization, where he served in numerous capacities including the board of directors of the local Canadian Section, the board of directors of the governing international body as Regional Director, and as a governor of the SPE Canada Educational Foundation. Jim is a Life Member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta.
Jim is motivated to offer to serve on council simply to fulfil a civic responsibility given his availability of time and experience. He believes the current council members have served us well since 2010 and thanks them as a ratepayer for their service to our community.
Jim worked for GLJ Petroleum Consultants for 32 years, where he was a vice-president, director and corporate secretary of the private company. GLJ is a relatively large independent Canadian petroleum consulting firm that provides detailed reservoir and economic analyses, project and corporate evaluations, fair market value appraisals, merger and acquisition advice and expert witness testimony. He volunteered with the Society of Petroleum Engineers, a non-profit organization, where he served in numerous capacities including the board of directors of the local Canadian Section, the board of directors of the governing international body as Regional Director, and as a governor of the SPE Canada Educational Foundation. Jim is a Life Member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta.
Jim is motivated to offer to serve on council simply to fulfil a civic responsibility given his availability of time and experience. He believes the current council members have served us well since 2010 and thanks them as a ratepayer for their service to our community.